FDA 510(k) Application Details - K230829

Device Classification Name Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter

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510(K) Number K230829
Device Name Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter
Applicant Chongqing Rob Linka Science And Technology Co., Ltd.
B3-2, Liangjiang Health Science And Technology City,
No. 2 Yuekang Road, Fuxing Street, Beibei D
Chongqing 400700 CN
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Contact Yixuan Li
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Regulation Number 882.5890

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Classification Product Code NUH
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Date Received 03/27/2023
Decision Date 04/26/2023
Classification Advisory Committee NE - Neurology
Review Advisory Committee NE - Neurology
Statement / Summary / Purged Status Statement
Type Traditional
Reviewed By Third Party Y
Expedited Review

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