FDA 510(k) Application Details - K221143

Device Classification Name Polymer Patient Examination Glove

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510(K) Number K221143
Device Name Polymer Patient Examination Glove
Applicant Hebei Astro Medical Supply Co., Ltd.
East of Xiaoxixian, West of Jingsan Street,
South of Weiwu Road, North of Weiqi Road, Jinzhou Eco
Jinzhou 052260 CN
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Contact Ning Zheng
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Regulation Number 880.6250

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Classification Product Code LZA
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Date Received 04/20/2022
Decision Date 08/25/2022
Classification Advisory Committee HO - General Hospital
Review Advisory Committee HO - General Hospital
Statement / Summary / Purged Status Summary
Type Traditional
Reviewed By Third Party N
Expedited Review

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