FDA 510(k) Application Details - K201686

Device Classification Name

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510(K) Number K201686
Device Name GYNECARE TVTÖ System, GYNECARE TVTÖ with Abdominal Guides System, GYNECARE TVTÖ Introducer and Catheter Guide, GYNECARE TVT EXACTÖ Continence System and Trocar, GYNECARE TVTÖ Obturator System and Passers and Winged Guide, GYNECARE TVT ABBREVOÖ Continence
Applicant Ethicon Inc.
Route 22 West
Somerville, NJ 08876-0151 US
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Contact Ariell Joiner
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Regulation Number

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Classification Product Code OTN
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Date Received 06/22/2020
Decision Date 09/17/2020
Classification Advisory Committee SU - General & Plastic Surgery
Review Advisory Committee GU - Gastroenterology & Urology
Statement / Summary / Purged Status Summary
Type Traditional
Reviewed By Third Party N
Expedited Review

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