FDA 510(k) Application Details - DEN150058

Device Classification Name

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510(K) Number DEN150058
Device Name Amplichek II, Negative and Amplichek II, Negative MiniPak, Amplichek II, Level 1 and Amplichek II, Level 1 MiniPak, Amplichek II, Level 2 and Amplichek II, Level 2 MiniPak, Amplichek II, Level 3 and Amplichek II, Level 3 MiniPak
Applicant Bio-Rad Laboratories
9500 Jeronimo Road
Irvine, CA 92614 US
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Contact Elizabeth Platt
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Regulation Number

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Classification Product Code PMN
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Date Received 12/16/2015
Decision Date 03/28/2016
Decision DENG -
Classification Advisory Committee MI - Microbiology
Review Advisory Committee MI - Microbiology
Statement / Summary / Purged Status
Type Post-NSE
Reviewed By Third Party N
Expedited Review

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