FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Thomas Fearnley

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K170648 03/03/2017 ANTHEM CR Total Knee System Smith & Nephew, Inc.
K210784 03/16/2021 Extended HA Half Pins Smith & Nephew, Inc.
K210837 03/22/2021 Smith & Nephew Plates and Screws Smith & Nephew, Inc.
K210953 03/30/2021 SMART Taylor Spatial Frame Smith & Nephew, Inc.
K201918 07/10/2020 EVOS Large Fragment Plating System Smith & Nephew, Inc.
K213126 09/27/2021 Smith & Nephew, Inc. Plates and Screws Systems: EVOS, Peri-Loc, D-Rad, TC-100, VLP Mini-Mod, Compression Hip Screw (CHS), CONQUEST FN, and cannulated screws Smith & Nephew Inc.
K193029 10/30/2019 CONQUEST FN Smith & Nephew, Inc.
K203405 11/19/2020 EVOS Large Fragment Plating System Smith & Nephew, Inc.

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