FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Steve Murray

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K180708 03/19/2018 Entuit LP Gastrostomy BR Low Profile Balloon Retention Feeding Tube, Entuit LP Gastrostomy BR Low Profile Balloon Retention Feeding Tube with ENFit Connection, Entuit LP Patient Care Kit, Entuit LP Patient Care Kit with ENFit Connection, PromaX Low Profi Xeridiem Medical Devices, A Spectrum Plastics Group Company
K171347 05/08/2017 Bi-Funnel and Tri-Funnel Gastrostomy Feeding Tubes with ENFit Connection, Entuit Gastrostomy BR Balloon Retention Feeding Tube with ENFit Connection Xeridiem Medical Devices
K232046 07/10/2023 Kangaroo Skin Level Balloon Gastrostomy Kit, Kangaroo Bolus Feed Set with ENFIT Connection, Kangaroo Continuous Feed Set with ENFIT Connection Xeridiem Medical Devices, A Spectrum Plastics Group Company

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