FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Kenny M Bello

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K152809 09/28/2015 Giraffe Incubator Carestation CS1 OHMEDA MEDICAL, A DIVISION OF DATEX-OHMEDA, INC.
K220243 01/28/2022 Ultiri Measurement System Abbott Medical
K152814 09/28/2015 Giraffe OmniBed Carestation CS1 Ohmeda Medical, a Division of Datex-Ohmeda,Inc. A GE Company
K192819 10/01/2019 OEC Elite GE OEC Medical Systems, Inc.
K203346 11/13/2020 OEC 3D GE OEC Medical Systems, Inc.

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