FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Juan Marquez

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K200072 01/14/2020 KIMTECH Purple Nitrile Powder Free Examination Gloves Tested for Use with Chemotherapy Drugs, the Opioid Fentanyl, Gastric acid, and Fentanyl in Gastric acid Kimberly-Clark Corporation
K202416 08/24/2020 Kimtech Prizm Multi-Layered Exam Glove Tested for use with Chemotherapy Drugs, the Opioid Fentanyl Citrate, simulated Gastric Acid, and Fentanyl in Gastric Acid, Kimtech Prizm Xtra Multi-Layered Exam Glove Tested for use with Chemotherapy Drugs, the Opioi Kimberly Clark Corporation

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