FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Jessie Duong

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K210088 01/13/2021 1688 4K Camera System, L11 LED Light Source with AIM, AIM SafeLight Cable, AIM Laparoscopes Stryker
K150494 02/25/2015 Proteus Digital Health Feedback Device PROTEUS DIGITAL HEALTH, INC.
K211202 04/22/2021 1688 4K Camera System, L11 LED Light Source with AIM, AIM SafeLight Cable, Precision S 4K Sinuscopes Stryker
K191102 04/25/2019 Precision S 4K Sinuscope Stryker
K183470 12/14/2018 Precision Ideal Eyes Arthroscopes Stryker

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