FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Hilla Debby

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K180171 01/22/2018 PillCam Patency System Given Imaging Ltd.
K170210 01/24/2017 PillCam SBC capsule endoscopy system, PilCam Desktop Software 9.0 Given Imaging Ltd.
K170839 03/21/2017 RAPID Web Given Imaging Ltd.
K151086 04/22/2015 ManoScan System GIVEN IMAGING LTD.
K193232 11/25/2019 Emprint Ablation System with Thermosphere Technology, Emprint SX Ablation Platform with Thermosphere Technology Covidien LLC
K153466 12/01/2015 PillCam COLON 2 Capsule Endoscopy System GIVEN IMAGING LTD.

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