FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by CHRIS WEABER

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K180159 01/19/2018 Klassic« Knee System Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K150105 01/20/2015 Klassic Knee System-Sombrero Patella TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
K190280 02/08/2019 Klassic Knee System - Sombrero Patella with Standard Poly, Klassic Knee System - Sombrero Patella with E-Link Poly Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K220483 02/18/2022 Platform« Acetabular System Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K230537 02/27/2023 Klassic Knee Revision System Total Joint Othopedics, Inc.
K180929 04/09/2018 Klassic HD« Hip System Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K161073 04/18/2016 Klassic HD Hip System Total Joint Othopedics, Inc.
K191399 05/24/2019 BIOLOX CONTOURA Ceramic Femoral Head Total Joint Othopedics, Inc.
K211602 05/24/2021 Klassic Knee System Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K151440 05/29/2015 Klassic HD Hip System TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
K211877 06/17/2021 Klassic Knee System Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K171962 06/30/2017 Klassic HD« Hip System Total Joint Othopedics, Inc.
K232414 08/10/2023 Klassic« Tibial Insert, PS-Post, Klassic All Poly Tibia, PS-Post Total Joint Othopedics, Inc.
K162256 08/11/2016 Klassic Femur, Porous, Klassic Tibial Baseplate, Porous TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
K162422 08/30/2016 Klassic Knee System Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K202740 09/18/2020 Klassic Knee System Tibial Inserts, PS-Max Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K173104 09/29/2017 Klassic HD« Hooded Acetabular Insert with E-Link« Poly, Klassic HD« Low Profile Acetabular Insert with E-Link« Poly Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.
K153075 10/23/2015 Klassic Knee System TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
K143113 10/30/2014 Klassic BiPolar System Total Joint Orthopedics
K213580 11/10/2021 Adapter Sleeve for BIOLOX« OPTION Femoral Head, +10.5mm head length Total Joint Othopedics, Inc.
K153310 11/17/2015 Klassic Knee System TOTAL JOINT ORTHOPEDICS, INC.
K143407 11/28/2014 Klassic HD Hip System Total Joint Othopedics, Inc.
K183596 12/21/2018 Klassic Knee System - Klassic Knee PS-Post Femur; Klassic Knee Tibial Insert, PS-Post, Std Poly; Klassic Knee Tibial Insert, PS-Post, E-Link Poly Total Joint Orthopedics, Inc.

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