FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Titan Spine, Inc

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K192018 07/29/2019 Endoskeleton TA Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton TAS and TAS Hyperlordotic Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton TO Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton TT Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton TC Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton TCS Interbody Titan Spine, Inc
K183557 12/20/2018 Endoskeleton« TA Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton« TAS Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton« TO Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton« TT Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton« TC Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton« TCS Interbody Fusion Device, E Titan Spine, Inc
K191565 06/13/2019 Endoskeleton TCS Interbody Fusion Device Titan Spine, Inc
K191581 06/14/2019 Endoskeleton TL Interbody Fusion Device, Endoskeleton TL Hyperlordotic Interbody Fusion Device Titan Spine, Inc
K192054 07/31/2019 Endoskeleton TAS Plate Titan Spine, Inc

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