FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Panthera Dental Inc.

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K143244 11/12/2014 The Panthera Anti-Snoring Device Panthera Dental Inc.
K171576 05/30/2017 The Panthera Anti-Snoring X3 Device Panthera Dental Inc.
K192108 08/05/2019 Panthera Dental Milled Bars Panthera Dental Inc.
K173466 11/08/2017 Panthera Dental Milled Bars Panthera Dental Inc.
K203596 12/09/2020 Panthera Occlusal Appliance Panthera Dental Inc.
K183580 12/21/2018 Panthera Dental Milled Bars Panthera Dental Inc.

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