FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Nalu Medical, Inc.

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K221376 05/12/2022 Nalu Neurostimulation System Nalu Medical, Inc.
K191435 05/30/2019 IPG, integrated, 25/40 cm, single, tined, IPG, 2 cm, single 4, Lead (25/40 cm, 4, tined), Extension - 4 Nalu Medical, Inc.
K202274 08/11/2020 Nalu Neurostimulation Kit (lnte:gmted 40 em: Single 8/Dual 8), Nalu Neurostimulation Kit (Ported, 2 em: Single 8/Dual8), Dual 8 Ported Nalu Implantable Pulse Generator with 40 ern Kil, 40 cm/ 60 cm/60 em TrialJExtension Lead Kits, Patient Kits and miscell Nalu Medical, Inc.
K203547 12/04/2020 Nalu Neurostimulation System Nalu Medical, Inc.
K190960 04/12/2019 Nalu Lead Blank (50cm) Nalu Medical, Inc.

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