FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Implanet, S.A.

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K170730 03/09/2017 JAZZ System, including JAZZ Band Implanet, S.A.
K191217 05/06/2019 JAZZ PF Implanet, S.A.
K171881 06/23/2017 JAZZ Passer Band Implanet, S.A.
K182771 09/28/2018 ISS-JAZZ Screw System and JAZZ CAP SP Implanet, S.A.
K160226 01/29/2016 JAZZ CLAW System (hooks and rods) and JAZZ CLAW connector Implanet, S.A.
K192084 08/02/2019 Madison Total Knee System Implanet, S.A.
K153348 11/20/2015 JAZZ LOCK Implanet, S.A.
K151740 06/26/2015 JAZZ System Implanet, S.A.
K230026 01/04/2023 SQUALE Implanet, S.A.

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