FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Icotec AG

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K151977 07/17/2015 icotec Pedicle System ICOTEC AG
K200235 01/30/2020 KONG-TL VBR System, KONG-C VBR System icotec ag
K190545 03/04/2019 VADER« one Pedicle System MIS and LightMore« Pedicle System 6.0 icotec ag
K200596 03/06/2020 G21 Cement, VADER« Pedicle System Icotec AG
K230861 03/29/2023 VADER« Pedicle System Navigated Instruments Icotec ag
K201587 06/11/2020 icotec Anterior Cervical Plate System Icotec AG
K222789 09/15/2022 VADER« Pedicle System, G21 Cement icotec ag
K192897 10/11/2019 icotec Cervical Cage icotec ag
K193423 12/09/2019 VADER«one Pedicle System MIS and LightMore« Pedicle System 6.0 Icotec AG
K172480 08/16/2017 icotec Interbody Cage System icotec ag

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