FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Cook Ireland Ltd.

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K210476 02/19/2021 EchoTip Ultra Endoscopic Ultrasound Needle, EchoTip ProCore HD Ultrasound Biopsy Needle, EchoTip Ultra Endobronchial High Definition Ultrasound Needle, EchoTip ProCore Endobronchial High Definition Ultrasound Biopsy Needle Cook Ireland Ltd.
K163468 12/12/2016 Evolution Duodenal Stent System - Uncovered, Evolution Colonic Stent System - Uncovered Cook Ireland Ltd.
K162717 09/29/2016 Evolution Esophageal Stent System û Partially Covered Cook Ireland Ltd.
DEN180062 11/19/2018 EchoTip Insight Portosystemic Pressure Gradient Measuring System Cook Ireland Ltd.
K230909 03/31/2023 EchoTip« AcuCoreÖ Ultrasound Biopsy Needle (ECHO-BX-3-22) Cook Ireland Ltd.
K160229 02/01/2016 Echotip Ultra Endobronchial High Definition Ultrasound Needle, Echotip Procore Endobronchial High Definition Ultrasound Biopsy Needle Cook Ireland Ltd.
K163018 10/31/2016 Zilver 635 Biliary Stent Cook Ireland Ltd.
K172057 07/06/2017 Zimmon Pancreatic Stents/Stent sets, Geenen Pancreatic Stents/Stent Sets, Pushing Catheter and Guiding Catheter, Johlin Pancreatic Wedge Stent and Introducer Set Cook Ireland Ltd.

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