FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by Agfa N.V.

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K211790 06/10/2021 DX-D Imaging Package with XD Detectors Agfa N.V.
K212145 07/09/2021 DR 800 with DSA, DR 800 Agfa N.V.
K191884 07/15/2019 DR 100s Agfa N.V.
K213469 10/28/2021 VALORY Agfa N.V.
K183275 11/23/2018 DR 800 with Tomosynthesis Agfa N.V.
K193262 11/26/2019 DR 600 with Tomosynthesis Agfa N.V.

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