FDA 510(k) Applications Submitted by ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. (Subsidiary of Teleflex Inc.)

FDA 510(k) Number Submission Date Device Name Applicant
K153487 12/04/2015 CG+ Arrow PICC powered by Arrow VPS Stylet PLUS and Arrow VPS Stylet PLUS ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. (Subsidiary of Teleflex Inc.)
K163513 12/15/2016 Arrow Endurance Extended Dwell Peripheral Catheter System Arrow International, Inc. (subsidiary of Teleflex Inc.)
K161313 05/10/2016 ARROW Pressure Injectable Midline Catheter with Chlorag+ard Antimicrobial and Antithrombogenic Technology ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. (SUBSIDIARY OF TELEFLEX INC.)
K160018 01/05/2016 Arrow Quickflash Arterial Catheterization Device ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. (SUBSIDIARY OF TELEFLEX INC.)
K152272 08/12/2015 Arrow Endurance Extended Dwell Peripheral Catheter System ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. (SUBSIDIARY OF TELEFLEX INC.)

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